I wrote a post back on March 3rd titled: Not All Future Jobs Require a College Degree….... I believed then as I do now, that a college degree is not always required to have a successful and happy life.
It appears I’m not the only one who thinks this way!
I’m not sure I agree with the video’s producers on purchasing silver or gold at this time but I sure agree with their findings on the outrageous cost of a college “education”.
Gee you are right!!!! Let's encourage all kids not to go to college!! Who needs it!!!!
The idea that you would actually post a link to a video by the National Inflation Association and "brag" that you agree with them is hysterical!!!!! Next you will be using Beck as a source.
Anon: May 18, 2011 1:15 PM,
When did I “encourage all kids not to go to college”? Show me!
What I found fascinating about your comment was your focus on the opinions by people you obviously don’t believe or respect and published within this post, while ignoring my prior post showing the FACT, not opinion, that EMSD#63’s former Superintendent Kathleen Williams and current Superintendent Scott Clay have indebted EMSD#63 taxpayers to the tune of almost $16 million in just ten years.
It is not an opinion, but fact, that the cost of attending college has skyrocketed over the last couple decades. It is also a fact that these costs are driving kids and parents into debt to the tune of tens-of-thousands of dollars per year. It is also a fact that many of these children will, after graduating, find themselves hard-pressed or unable to pay these debts off in reasonable time, if at all. It is a fact that a four-year “college education” takes more than four years – by design. It is a fact, the financial benefits of a “college education” has been over-sold. It is a fact that there are not enough "high paying" entry jobs for these graduates to go to!
I refer you to: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/19/business/economy
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