Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Goals - Superintendent Dr. Kathleen Williams - 2000-2009

The process set forth for the development of the superintendent’s goals can be found on the East Maine School District 63 website.

Between school years 2000-01 and 2003-04 one finds that goals for Superintendent Williams were developed on a year-to-year basis. This is not the case for contract years 2004-09.

As you review each set of goals keep in mind that the board has full responsibility for their creation.

Between school years 2000-01 to 2003-04, the reader is hard-pressed to find goals directly relating to the primary function of the superintendent, the education of children. What we do find for the most part, are goals relating to process. Only within the last set of goals, school years 2004-09 does one find distinct and quantifiable goals relating to education, but even then, the goals are only set to meet minimal educational standards.

Reasonable people can differ on whether any or all of these goals are valid. I for one, think that the taxpayer has been short changed. The Board has a responsibility to demand, expect and attain a high-quality education for children within the District. Goals such as these, in my opinion, will not achieve those ends.

The taxpayers of this District are constantly reminded that we are lucky to have such a gifted administrator in Dr. Williams. Why then, is the Board so reluctant to demand a high level of excellence (achievement) commensurate to her purported abilities?

Should the taxpayer/parent be upset? I think so! But I can't blame her for taking the easy way out when the board has chosen to do the same.

But of course, that’s my opinion!

Your comments please!

Kenneth Butterly

In order to enlarge image, place arrow over the image and click mouse key.

School Year 2000-2001

School Year 2001-2002

School Year 2002-2003

School Year 2003-2004

School Year 2004-2009

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