Wednesday, May 04, 2011

It’s Official - Teachers Union Leader Liese to go….


On March 28th this year, I wrote an Open letter to EMEA President, Hilary Liese.  There, I urged Ms. Liese and her union membership to demand a reciprocal gesture of some magnitude from EMSD#63 management and to be cognizant of their role in co-creating and resolving the District’s financial dilemma.

Comments to that post included:

Anon: April 02, 2011 10:42 AM

“Hilary put in for retirement so she is on the 6% plan until she is gone. She does not care anymore.”

On April 5th, when I published New EMSD#63 retirees should consider themselves lucky….  At that time, I believed Ms. Liese to be leaving at the end of the year or one year out at the most. 

I was wrong!

A reading of the April 6, 2011 Board meeting minutes revealed this: 

Hilary Liese April 6th Retirement Notice

From the looks of it, she appears to be in it for the money; not the District and certainly not the CHILDREN!

Hilary Liese Fifteen-Year Pay Analysis

What kind of blood-sucking leadership is that?

EMEA: Hilary Liese needs to go - NOW!

Of course, it’s just my opinion.


Anonymous said...

I think some principals need to go as well. Some of them are unprofessional and do not have the trust of the teachers behind them.

Anonymous said...

And some teachers claim they're professional as they wear t shirts, jeans and gym shoes to work.

Anonymous said...

That is true as well, but as the senior leaders of a school while making the most money they should set the standard and not talk out of both sides of their mouth.

Anonymous said...

Who really cares about the dressing of the teachers. I'm sure the first statement was about their professional conduct not their dressing. I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Dress is a part of professional conduct.