Monday, June 14, 2010

Coming to a school district near you…

I am writing this Blog posting from the Salute Italian Restaurant in downtown Racine, Wisconsin.  Italian music is always playing in the background, and the song playing right now is the theme from the Godfather.  My friends will tell you that I love the movie.  They will also tell you that I can’t be pulled from my seat in front of the television set whenever a Godfather marathon is showing. 

I was surfing the internet as I am prone to do when I’m off the boat and in a restaurant alone, when I came upon the the following article.

Teachers Union Shakedown

Your local School District is probably crying poor as I write.  Many of these districts and their teacher unions are just starting to get a sense of the dire financial straights they’re in.  Most are not yet ready to bite the bullet, unlike the taxpayers they serve.  Some resistant districts, supported by teacher unions, are resorting to bully-like tactics, attempting to place pressure on parents and students in order to get their way.  In an attempt that would have made any Godfather proud, some districts and unions have even resorted to Mafia-like techniques (pay up or we’ll eliminate sports, music, art, etc.) to convince the public to empty out their pockets.  Others, like those above, have resorted to direct “fund raising” to keep their exorbitant salaries.

I held off publishing this post for a couple of days.  In the mean time this article appeared.

New York Times - Teacher Cheating

The teaching community just doesn’t get it.  Taxpayers and other stakeholders are holding teachers and their administrators responsible for the quality of education in our school districts.  Local school districts are not immune to teacher and administrative cheating.  That said, taxpayers are paying hard earned money for these services.  Taxpayers deserve, no, demand results.

What do you think?

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