Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hasta la vista – Continued….

Back in early May, I wrote a post titled: Hasta la vista!  There, I lamented the imminent departure of four non-returning Spanish teachers for Spain.

One would have thought the subject important enough to stir a response from Dr. Clay, either on this site or on his own. But alas, silence!

So I wondered, maybe he’s just keeping a low profile but still doing something; like looking for replacement teachers for the four he lost.

EMSD#63 Employment Openings 05-24-2011

K12 JobSpot - EMSD#63 Openings - 05-24-2011

Reviewing these two lists, I could see no job postings to fill those positions.

So today, I sent the following email to Dr. Clay.

Email to Dr. Clay - Spanish Teachers - 05-24-2011

Maybe he’ll tell us what’s going on.

What do you think?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

High School Graduates Must Speak English!

The New London Connecticut School System will, in 2015, require all students who graduate from their system to read and speak English!

Can you imagine that?

Here’s the New York Daily News article: Students at Connecticut's New London High School must know English if they want diploma.

I hope these guys are feeling better now!

EMSD#63 administrators regularly remind us that dozens of foreign languages are spoken throughout the District.  By their own account the District has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in an attempt to accommodate this segment of the Districts population; without, in my opinion, that much success. 

Maybe it’s time for EMSD#63 leadership to rethink its ESL goals and strategies.  What do you think?

Of course, it’s just my opinion!

Friday, May 20, 2011

School cheating still on the rise!

Nobody likes a cheat; or at least that’s the way things were for most of my 65 years.  But something has changed.  Some kids and some of their teachers see things a little differently!

From the DC’s Washington Examiner May 18, 2011.

DC School Test Cheating

Is cheating on tests happening elsewhere?

From NY-Times February 12, 2010: Experts Say Schools Need to Screen for Cheating.  Or from Education Issues September 16, 2007: Cheating Is On The Rise. Or from this December 9, 2010 article: Spotlight on cheating in the school system.  Or from Education Portal.com August 4, 2007: 75 to 98 Percent of College Students Have Cheated. And from Science Daily May 12, 2010: Most High Schoolers Cheat -- But Don't Always See It as Cheating, Study Finds.

So what do you think? 

Do you think school cheating’s a problem?  If so, what do you think should be done about it?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Not All Future Jobs Require a College Degree - Revisited

I wrote a post back on March 3rd titled: Not All Future Jobs Require a College Degree…....  I believed then as I do now, that a college degree is not always required to have a successful and happy life.

It appears I’m not the only one who thinks this way!

I’m not sure I agree with the video’s producers on purchasing silver or gold at this time but I sure agree with their findings on the outrageous cost of a college “education”.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Trust but Verify! - Part: 1

By this time, some of you’ve already noticed 11 new posts; each an individual EMSD#63 Final Budget Report for a given year, starting in school-year 2000-2001.

The reason for these entries is this.  I will be using facts derived from those documents in an upcoming blog series featuring EMSD#63’s Budget History.  I will also be using these same documents on my new blog: Butterly on School Budgets…. scheduled to officially appear later this month.

Trust but verify!

When it comes to reviewing budgets, I follow former President Ronald Reagan’s sage advice: “Trust but verify!”  And I hope you do too!

Now, there’s a lot of information packed within those budget documents.  Too too much for the casual observer.  So, to help make processing this much information less daunting and more understandable, I will be presenting EMSD#63’s Budget History data in differing report formats.  Each report is designed to answer one or more questions.  The questions we will ask are the same questions any competent School Board would ask, and the reports designed to answer those questions are the same type of reports a competent administration would provide.

Today’s post then, is to serve notice of the new series, provide easy access to the source documents and to ask the first question:

Question #1: So where’s the money?

Between School-Years 2000-2001 and 2010-2011, EMSD#63 is expected to have spent close to $16 million more than it has taken in.  We’re not even talking “budgeting” yet.  That number reflect the actual dollars received for disbursement and the actual dollars disbursed based upon EMSD#63’s official documents.

BUDGACT-1000 - Budget Report - Act. Rev. and Exp.

The two primary components of the budget are REVENUE (dollars-in) and EXPENSES (dollars-out).  The District Officials can only guess the number of dollars-in.  District Administrators and Board however, have full control of the amount dollars-out!

Let me remind the reader of EMSD#63 Budget-making goal.

Budget Overview                         Page (9) – 2010-2011 Budget
The District’s budget goals and objectives are to provide an optimum educational program for all of the children of the school district in line with the district’s educational philosophy, consistent with efforts to achieve a balanced budget and the taxpayers ability to support such a program.

EMSD#63’s budget goals and objectives are obviously not being met by a wide margin which reflects at best, in my opinion, willful non-adherence or incompetence!

In the mean time, if you are curious and wish to start reviewing the FOIA’d Budget Reports used for the upcoming posts, click the year.

And as always, it’s just my opinion!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year – 2010-2011

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2010-2011 Budget

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year – 2009-2010

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2009-2010 Budget

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year – 2008-2009

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2008-2009 Budget

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year – 2007-2008

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2007-2008 Budget

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year - 2006-2007

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2006-2007 Budget

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year – 2005-2006

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2005-2006 Budget

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year – 2004-2005

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2004-2005 Budget

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year – 2003-2004

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2003-2004 Budget

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year – 2002-2003

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2002-2003 Budget

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year – 2001-2002

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2001-2002 Budget

EMSD#63 Budget – School Year – 2000-2001

This budget document was retrieved under the Freedom of Information Act.

EMSD#63 2000-2001 Budget

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

It’s Official - Teachers Union Leader Liese to go….


On March 28th this year, I wrote an Open letter to EMEA President, Hilary Liese.  There, I urged Ms. Liese and her union membership to demand a reciprocal gesture of some magnitude from EMSD#63 management and to be cognizant of their role in co-creating and resolving the District’s financial dilemma.

Comments to that post included:

Anon: April 02, 2011 10:42 AM

“Hilary put in for retirement so she is on the 6% plan until she is gone. She does not care anymore.”

On April 5th, when I published New EMSD#63 retirees should consider themselves lucky….  At that time, I believed Ms. Liese to be leaving at the end of the year or one year out at the most. 

I was wrong!

A reading of the April 6, 2011 Board meeting minutes revealed this: 

Hilary Liese April 6th Retirement Notice

From the looks of it, she appears to be in it for the money; not the District and certainly not the CHILDREN!

Hilary Liese Fifteen-Year Pay Analysis

What kind of blood-sucking leadership is that?

EMEA: Hilary Liese needs to go - NOW!

Of course, it’s just my opinion.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Hasta la vista!

Dr. Clay’s experiment in international relations dressed up as a self-created ESL Bilingual Teacher crises, will end In 40+ days.  I’m sorry it didn’t work; not for Dr. Clay or Ms. Glickman or Ms. Centanni, who’s actions received “Kudos” from Dr. Clay for “successfully addressing a staffing challenge through this no cost recruitment option”, but for the brave Spaniard's who came from Southern Spain to our cold clime to aid us in our time of pedagogical need, the kids and finally, the taxpayers, who are once again, the big losers here. 

If you’re new to this subject, I urge you to read:

My July 15th Comment

Contracts Teachers From Spain

Concent Agenda Item 3.09

A one year experiment for what?

Spanish Experiment

Dr. Clay, in “Visiting Teachers” stated that these new recruits would “commit to 1 – 3  years of teaching in EMSD63”.  Why?  Why only one-year?  As education professionals, Dr. Clay and his staff by now clearly understand what all other teachers seem to know; it takes at least two full seasons to settle-in and become cost effective.  Surely these Administrators haven’t been out of the class room that long!

And what are they actively doing to eliminate this new problem?

EMSD#63 Employment Applications as of 05-02-2011

That’s modern and effective school management for ya!

So, this leads me to a few of questions.

  • To what effort did Dr. Clay or his staff go to to retain these valuable teachers? 
  • What support services did the District provide these teachers this past year to help them effectively integrate into US and EMSD#63 society? 
  • There are two additional original recruits. 
    • Are they staying? 
  • As to replacements, are we returning to Granada for a second round or are we searching for candidates closer to home?
    • If Granada, who got the free trip this time?

As Dr. Clay no longer speaks for himself here, I guess we’ll just have to monitor his site for a response.

Of course, as always, it’s just my opinion!