Sunday, October 10, 2010

In Search of an El Cid or Don Quixote or Superman…

Went internet surfing up in Wausau, Wisconsin this morning.  I now take a weekly peek at the Wausau Daily Herald.  Wausau Wisconsin is a great little town in the North-Central part of the state.  As you probably recall, Wausau recently hired EMSD#63’s retired Superintendent and part time District employee/consultant/mentor.  I’m following the educational goings-on up there because I want to determine how the Wausau School District fares under their newly hired leader.

Superintendent only as good as the Board.

I have often said the responsibility for the success or failure of any school district lies directly with the district’s school board.  If a board is unfocused and passive as I believe EMSD#63’s was during the Williams years, the result will likely be unsatisfactory.

What draws me to Wausau at this time is the chance to observe this same superintendent under three totally different Boards.

Before Dr. Williams became Superintendent of East Maine School District #63, she was Superintendent in Lawrence, Kansas and of course she’s now Superintendent Wausau School District.  Both prior School Boards had their opportunity to get the best out of this administrator.  In my opinion, both Boards blew it! 

So I will continue to train a weather eye in the direction of Wausau and will comment on that situation if needed.

During my surf in “Packer Country” I stumbled onto the following blog post. I have never let my schooling  interfere with my education. Mark Twain.  This must read post gives me a bit of hope that things mightl turn out well.  Maybe, just maybe, WSD’s Board will have the right kind of sustained informed public pressure to demand and receive the best Dr. Williams can give.

Back here in EMSD#63, we’ll just have to live with the same slavish Board till the next election.


We can’t wait for our next El Cid or Don Quixote or Superman…

Looking for a few good EMSD#63 citizens to run for the School Board.

No experience required, although some common sense, curiosity, integrity and leadership would be an improvement.

Membership on this Board could be the most important thing you can do to guarantee a good education for your child.

Email me at this site for assistance!

I have no further comment on this subject at this time.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Butterly: I'm glad to see that you have so much time on your hands to beat up our school district. Yes every district has issues and no one is perfect, but this district, especially Gemini Junior High has done great things for the students. I wish we could look into your background as a "business consultant" and see what that looks like, and then write a blog on it. Taking things out of context and twisting them around is not good reporting and should not be taken as such.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: October 19, 2010 2:38PM,

Thank you for your comment.

I am confused with this comment. You’ve made broad comments without example. How does one respond? Do I ignore you? I don’t think so. You did take the time to write. So the best I can do is ask for additional information.

1. In what way am I “beating up” our school district?
2. When you say “every district has issues” what “issues” are you referring to?
3. When you say “I wish we could look into your background”, who is “we”?
4. When you say “taking things out of context”, give me some examples that we can discuss.
5. I am not a reporter I am a gadfly.

If you wish to continue this comment string, I am, so to speak, at your beck and call.

Anonymous said...

Mr Butterly:

My goodness you are a clever one!! Instead of taking some of the posters points head on you simply fire back questions. Rather that a gadfly/business consultant you should run for office.

It appears you tried to do that once. What exactly happened there??

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: 12:28PM

You obviously are not interested in talking about relivant issues. I will waste no more time with you.

Anonymous said...

So you do not want to answer my question? Oh well...I guess you get to decide what is relivant. After all, it is your blog.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: Oct. 19, 20, 22,

Where are your questions? Let's review and I'll comment.

Oct. 19th.

“Mr. Butterly: I'm glad to see that you have so much time on your hands to beat up our school district.” KB: Joyous Opinion.

“Yes every district has issues and no one is perfect, but this district, especially Gemini Junior High has done great things for the students.” KB: Opinion.

“I wish we could look into your background as a "business consultant" and see what that looks like, and then write a blog on it.” KB: A wish.

“Taking things out of context and twisting them around is not good reporting and should not be taken as such.” KB: Opinion.

Oct. 20th.

“My goodness you are a clever one!!” KB: Opinion.

“Instead of taking some of the posters points head on you simply fire back questions.” KB: Frustrated Rant.

“Rather that a gadfly/business consultant you should run for office.” KB: Opinion.

"It appears you tried to do that once. What exactly happened there??" KB: Requests for personal information or private decisions are never answered. BoE is not a social network!

Oct. 22.

“So you do not want to answer my question?” KB: See last comment.

“Oh well...I guess you get to decide what is relevant. After all, it is your blog” KB: That is the only thing you’ve written within the three comments that made sense.

Where's the beef?