Sunday, August 08, 2010

Kathleen Williams – Superintendent, Wausau School District!

The Wausau, Wisconsin School District picked former East Maine School District #63 Superintendent Dr. Kathleen Williams as their new Superintendent.  It was a tight three-way race but our Kathleen won the day.  Read article Wausau Daily Herald

Makes me feel like the father of the bride who remarks to the groom after the wedding of his expensive and unmanageable daughter, “now she’s your problem.” 

Wausau, we have two more “daughters” (senior EMSD#63 administrators) to marry off.  Do you know anyone who might be interested?  Will throw in a matched set of four used non-working school board members to sweeten the deal!

To the citizens of Wausau Wisconsin and Dr. Williams, we thank you.  Good luck and goodbye! 


Anonymous said...

There is a God!

Those "cheeseheads" in Wausau Wisconsin are have just entered the Twilight Zone. Maybe they don't how to google. Of course your right, it's their problem now! If we can only remove the other Williams holdovers, including her board, we might still have a chance to turn this district around.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:52,

I wouldn't be so hard on um. Williams is from the big city and talks reeeeeal good. They were probably overcome by her accomplishments and such. I understand Wausau only recently got Al Gore's internet. Not to worry. They'll get quite an education before shes through. Youbetcha!

Anonymous said...

Look, the freighting thing here is Wausau's board considered Williams the best of the three finalists. How bad could the other two have been? What they should have done was hired a lesser qualified candidate like we did and verbally contract with Williams to mentor him or her, sort of polish him up and make him look more caring, for let's say $80-$100k like she did with our Superintendent Clay. Williams could have ridden that moneymaker year after year through her $200k plus Illinois retirement just on that idea alone. Well, they're stuck with her and we're finally free! As they say, the Lord works in strange ways.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Butterly,

Seems to me like you have a responsibility to the Wausau School District to make them aware of their mistake. Have you talked to them?

Anonymous said...

I recently came upon your blog and decided to have a look. I was curious to see if you were, “transferring knowledge from one generation to the next,” as your blog states. I wonder after reading your post about Dr. Williams, if the knowledge you wish to transfer to another generation is, “Let’s maintain the status quo and especially that lovely glass ceiling?” Your personal attacks on Dr. Williams were demeaning, degrading and sexist. Mr. Butterly, I’d like to remind you that women do indeed work outside the home today. In fact, many like Dr. Williams, have advanced degrees and successful careers. Women today aren’t “property,” to be “married off.” Instead of bobbing about in your little dingy, I suggest perhaps investing in a time machine. It’s 2010, not 1910, Mr. Butterly.

Anonymous said...

After reading your four posts, comments to your sexist post on Dr. Williams, I carefully pursed word choice, sentence structure and diction. Will the real Mr. Butterly step forward, please? Mr. Butterly, if you’re going to personally attack people, please at least have the decency to attribute the machinations to yourself. Your linguistic scrim has been lifted, Mr. Butterly.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: August 10, 2010 11:12AM,

No I have not communicated with any official or newspaper in Wausau either by phone, email, letter or carrier pigeon for that matter. I have no reason to. The Wausau School Board performed “due diligence” to the best of their ability or at least to their liking. No one from up there has communicated with me and that’s just fine. As to responsibility; I am not a citizen of Wausau or a member of their School Board and therefore have none.

One thing I can say for their process however, it was open. No behind-closed-doors-Chicago-style selection process up in Wisconsin. Every concerned citizen knew the names, faces and background of the candidates. We on the other hand had no idea who might be Superintendent till the Board picked Clay and Williams.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: August 10, 2010 11:55 AM and Anon: August 10, 2010 12:17,

I’ve decided to let your messages stand alone except for two comments.

1.) I am starting to actually feel sorry for Dr. Williams.

2.) I always sign my own comments!

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: August 10, 2010 11:12AM,

I need to update my prior response. I was contacted by the local Wausau newspayer and interviewed. My comments will appear soon.