Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It’s true, you just can’t fix stupid!

I recently received and posted these comments to four of my fifty-four blog posts. I would like for you to take a moment to read them. They represent the darker side of the blogosphere, cowardly vile trash; this time, under the cover of anonymity. These specific comments cannot be ignored.

Recent Comments

Post Name: Dr. Clay states that he wishes to meet in private…

Anonymous said...

“you sir are obviously a coward who would shake in his shoes at the very thought of speaking face to face with dr clay, you hide behind a stupid blog. If I had a problem with something you were doing I would be at your front door.
The problem with people of your ilk is that you get one or two people blowing smoke up your ass and telling you what you are doing is great, but the other 99% could give 2 shits about you or what you are doing. get a clue move on and stop harrassing people who really are doing important and worthwhile work.

August 15, 2010 3:12 PM”


Post Name: Dr. Clay is back!

Anonymous said...

“You are damn lucky to have a man that has dedicated his life to kids and education. Why don't all you idiots on this blog use your time in a more useful manner like playing with razor blades. Mrs Buttersworth does not have the guts to meet Dr Clay face to face and instead hides on the internet like the coward he truly is. He will make up some long winded excuse why it would do no good but you and I all know the truth he is as yellow as the poop in his undies.

August 17, 2010 9:25 AM”


Post Name: Spain is a great place for a vacation. Hope our lucky administrators had good ones - Update

Anonymous said...

“I have seen many people like Mrs. Buttersworth who spend their lives fantasizing that they are doing something for the public good when in reality everyone looks at them like the joke they are. They dream that they are MAKING a difference when all they are really making is an ass of themselves. You need to get back on your meds Mrs Buttersworth.

August 15, 2010 11:23 AM”


Post Name: I apologize!

Anonymous said...

“I'm not sure what your "initial track" was intended to be, but after reading your recent posts, I hope you have something better to do than to continue to disseminate these ridiculous, trumped up allegations over nothing. If you are so concerned with the operation of the school districts in your area, then you should let the administrators do their jobs and stop wasting their time reacting to your muck-raking rumors and innuendo.

August 13, 2010 10:35 AM”

Two things.

  1. I am am an advocate for anonymity in blog comments.
  2. I keep my post on this blog site civil, rational and targeted. I have used only district-generated emails or FOIA rendered facts to support my positions. Dr. Clay’s unexpected involvement at this site and his firm but courteous comments, were welcome and appreciated.

Those four comments offer none of that. They are crude and barren. The words say more about the empty vessels from which they originated, than the subjects discussed. In this case, they say more about the Williams/Clay supporters than I could have ever said on my own.  Further, the use of ridicule is always the tool used by nuckledraggers in their attempts to smear reason and reality.

I have been called, multiple times within those comments, a “coward”, yet I’m the one who’s full name appears is on the banner and posts. I am the one placing himself on the line and to his credit, so is Dr. Clay. It’s a shame he is represented so undeservedly and shamefully by this supporter(s).

Apparently, the author or authors know little of my actual relationship with this district. Had they had done their homework, they would have known that I have spoken face-to-face and toe-to-toe with Dr. Clay several times at public gatherings; including one held at Stevenson while he was Principal. Bravery has never been a prerequisite for discussions with Clay. If you call, he will answer. I just choose not to call!

I have expressed on this site more than once, the reasons why I choose not to meet ANY School District official behind closed doors. Had those writers actually read my posts, they would have understood that my unwillingness to meet any District Administrator in a non-public venue protects all concerned.

Now, for those wishing to “take on” their local school district I have an observation to share with you. East Maine School District #63, with it’s Board and sycophant cliques, is not representative of all school districts.

In the future I will continue to post even the most obnoxious of comments. And I know after this series of comments, you will easily recognize them for what they are. Their authors are empty, sometimes cowardly, highly irrational and vile trash.

Their kind of input is rubbish.


PRU.ADMIN said...

Fairly and directly offered, and reasonably balanced. Nicely done.

Of course, we are advocates and supporters of anonymity on both sides of the blogging platform -- as we believe the message, not the messenger, is what matters.

Blog on, Mr. Butterly!

Anonymous said...

oh my you are so full of yourself butterly, i about fell off my chair reading your latest attempt to make yourself look good....hahaha
I did exactly what i set out to do which was to get you to come down to my level and you took the bate hook line and sinker!
You have sunk to name calling Mr Buttersly just like we knew you would, you sir are a phony and very unprofessional
cowardly, highly irrational and vile trash
sycophant cliques
crude and barren
empty vessels

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: August 27, 3:13pm

Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Good evening

Looking forward to your next post