I have just been informed by EMSD#63 Superintendent Dr. Scott Clay that the final version of the SY 2010-2011 School District Budget will not be presented to EMSD#63 Board Members and public until later this afternoon, tonight or tomorrow.
Email - Request Copy Final Budget 2010-2011EMSD#63 Board should have received this report last week. Now it will have slightly more than 48 hours to review the significant changes referenced in Dr. Clay’s email.
There is no need to rush!
The EMSD#63 School Board Members have a responsibility to read and possibly question the changes and the impact these changes will have to EMSD#63’s original plan. That takes time. And there is time. This process does not have to be completed until October.
Do the right thing Jane, reschedule the vote!
Update – Aug. 31, 2010
I just received the following email from Dr. Clay regarding the “Final Budget.”
Email - To Dr. Clay Requesting Copy of Final BudgetSo I went to the site as suggested. This is the type of garbage that passes in EMSD#63 as the “Final Budget.”
EMSD#63 - FY11 Tentative Budget to Final Budget Changes
EMSD#63 Budget for FY11 State Budget FormI have since sent the following email to the EMSD#63 Board.
How does anyone know what these changes mean to the District’s Plan without the context of a complete and comparable Budget Report?
This kind of FLIMFLAM is unacceptable. The PUBLIC and BOARD need to see a comparable report to determine the impact of these changes.
No Rush Required.
Madam Board President, 847-729-7468, jwojtkiewicz@sd63board.org; Mr. Jekot, 847-965-3485, jjekot@sd63board.org; Mr. Gluzkin, 847-965-3485, wgluzkin@sd63board.org; Ms. Kaczkowski, 847-965-3485, jkaczkowski@sd63board.org; Mr. Levy, 847-729-2772, slevy@sd63board.org; Mr. Simmons, 847-729-0219, tsimmons@sd63board.org and Ms. Urba, 847-825-0487, surban@sd63board.org, there is more than enough time to perform the budget process correctly.
The Budget process is not an elementary school project where you get extra points and a star for getting the project done early.
Ms. Wojtkiewicz, you are the President of our School Board. You wanted the job. Your Board is Responsible for this budget under Board Policy 2:20 Governance - Powers and Duties of the Board of Education Point #3 , not Dr. Clay! Finally, you work for us, not for the District’s Administration.
Do the right thing Jane, reschedule the vote!
Update – Sep. 3, 2010
Well EMSD#63’s Board went ahead and passed the 115 page 2010-2011 Budget; a document Board members had only received scant hours before. One would have thought these Board Members were Congressmen. From Dr. Clay’s blog site came this announcement.
Dr. Clay's Blogsite Announces 2010-2011 Budget Passage
And here’s the Budget they passed.
EMSD#63 2010-2011 Budget Passed 09-01-2010I will be discussing this subject in a series of posting over the next few months.