Friday, April 16, 2010

Teaching is the effective transfer of knowledge and skills from one generation to the next.

Most of us received our taxpayer-funded education in a traditional setting; brick and mortar schools with the teacher standing or sitting in front and our peers seated around us. Today, Internet and other computer-based technology offer us alternatives to this time-honored learning model.

I recently heard an intriguing radio advertisement for an accredited on-line school, the National Connections Academy. After spending a little over an hour examining their web site and viewing the “Overview” presentation, I came away quite impressed.

I urge Districts #62, #63, #64 and #207 School Board Members, Board of Education Administrators, concerned parents and interested taxpayers to spend an hour or so at the site. Maybe we can learn something from them to more effectively transfer knowledge and skills from this generation to the next. We may even end up saving a buck or two.

You never know!


Anonymous said...

I see that they're not in Illinois yet. Sure looks interesting. Could get rid of a few teachers this way.

Kenneth Butterly said...

I don't know if this is the "Best" teaching model, but it does work. Also, school districts are using computers for teacher-support already. With the cost of teachers, using one teacher for the same class simultaneously over let's say, three schools, makes sense.