Tuesday, April 05, 2011

New EMSD#63 retirees should consider themselves lucky….

I recently learned of current EMEA President, Hilary Liese’s pending retirement.

I got to wondering.  Does Ms. Liese really know how good she’s got it?  Do any of EMSD#63’s future retiree’s from the classes of 2011 or 2012 know?  For that matter, do you know?

To illustrate my point, I direct you to The Champion News.net’s April 5, 2011 article: 82,981 of 132,502 Illinois Teachers Pay Nothing or Little into Their Pensions.

Looking at it another way.

Lilary Liese’s Nine-Year Pay Analysis - 04-05-2011

What does the other side look like?

Based upon Social Security Online’s Monthly Statistical Snapshot, February 2011 (Table #2), the latest available data; the Average Monthly Benefit for Old-Age Insurance, “Retired Workers was $1,178.10 per month, or $14,137.20 per year.

The next time you hear EMSD#63 teachers crying “poor” while receiving their contracted 3% plus “stealth-step” pay increases, remember; there are a lot of “Retired Workers” out there footing that bill!

And that goes for EMSD#63 Administrator’s too!


Anonymous said...

According to champion this person has been on the job for 15yrs. Fifteen years on the job and they are makeing 61k?!?!?!?!?!! OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

And remember, Hillary is encouraging us to vote no on opening the contract! We are scheduled to get almost 6% next year. That's not right, when so many parents in our community are out of work, or have had salaries frozen. Plus, we could save the jobs of 14 teachers and have smaller class sizes! Hillary is just greedy. I for one am voting YES

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 10, 2011 9:04AM,

Are you saying “Hillary is encouraging us to vote no” as in NO NEVER or is she encouraging you to vote NO until the Board and Administrators show good faith by reopening Superintendent Clay’s on-going contract while simultaneously stipulating a 15% pay reduction for all other Administrators as part of their new one-year contract?

If it is NO NEVER, then I agree with you, vote YES! If she is waiting for a show of EMSD#63’s leadership and good faith, I say stick behind Hilary and vote NO.

Board leadership, Administration leadership and Union leadership have their vital roles to play in solving the District’s long-term financial problem. If I were a union member, I would, at this time, take a wait and see approach. I would wait to see if Board and Administrators are serious budget-reduction players or just wind-breaking blowhards, before committing to reducing my pay.

But that’s just me!

Anonymous said...

Hillary is telling us to vote no. Never. Ever. She is saying that we should never give back a dime. Even if it means bigger classes for kids. Even if It means 14 teachers lose their jobs. Hillary is not looking at this beyond her pocketbook. It is pure greed. I work directly with someone who stands to lose their job if the vote is no. I'll take a smaller raise to help them (and kids). My dad is in the private sector and has gotten 2 % raises the past 3 years. And he considers himself lucky.

Hillary is about supporting Hillary.

Kenneth Butterly said...

April 10, 2011 3:30 PM

I repeat: Board leadership, Administration leadership and Union leadership have their vital roles to play in solving the District’s long-term financial problem. If I were a union member, I would, at this time, take a wait and see approach. I would wait to see if Board and Administrators are serious budget-reduction players or just wind-breaking blowhards, before committing to reducing my pay.

In my opinion, following the FTF/Board's current plan will not bring about a long-term financial solution nor will it ultimately keep classes small or save your friends job.

Teachers need to reopen the contract and adjust their pay schedule to a point 15% or more below present levels. But without a simultaneous Administrator pay reduction of an equal or higher percentage, we will find ourselves at this same point a year or two from now.

In the end, of course, you must follow your conscience and do what you think is right.

Anonymous said...

What about the incompetence of Lynn Glickman and the personnel department?

Just today, notice of a special school board meeting was sent out. Why? THEY RELEASED THE WRONG PEOPLE! Now they have to hire back some people and release others because they messed up the first time.

This incompetence caused lots of anguish for my fellow teachers.


Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: April 11, 2011 12:35 PM,

I don’t understand why you’ve chosen to admonish Ms. Glickman and her personnel department. She apparently didn’t have the budget to fly over to Spain and had to rely on her English-Speakers to do the job.

And how do you know that she released the wrong people? Maybe her staff was confused? Maybe those recipients were themselves on the list and scheduled for release at a later time. On the list is on the list. Right?

Mo said...

Hi Mr. Butterly,

Long time reader, first time writer.

I enjoy your blog and appreciate your commitment to clarity within public pensions. I am however concerned that you are referencing articles that are inaccurate.

The article titled "82,981 of 132,502 Illinois Teachers Pay Nothing or Little into Their Pensions" is inaccurate. I know this because I posses the pay stubs from one of the districts listed indicating my pension contributions. My contributions are for the full amount and nothing short.

The article contains obviously misleading comments such as "First, teachers have no Social Security taken out of their paychecks. Ordinary workers get hit with a 6.2 percent deduction for Social Security."

I charge this statement as misleading due to the fact that TRS contributors do not receive or contribute to Social Security benefits. The article leads readers into thinking tax payers (which teachers are as well) contribute on our behalf. TRS is our primary retirement income with an average yearly benefit of

I hope that you will take this information into consideration before posting content from unreliable sources.

Thank you,
