Sunday, March 06, 2011

Thanks for coming….

My original plan was to display the stats for Butterly on Education after reaching the 10,000 hit mark; something that should happen sometime this month.  I changed my mind on the timing of the post based on one recent comment.

“Having said that, considering the traffic on this blog (I am guessing that 75% of the posts on the site are by either you or me)…”.

More comments like that can be found on It’s true, you just can’t fix stupid!

This is not the first comment challenging the growing readership of this blog.  And I’m sure it won’t be the last.

So, I thought now was as good a time as any to share the most recent stats and to thank you for coming to this blog site and sharing your thoughts and opinions with all of us.

Week of 03-05-2011

Butterly on Education Blog Stats Weeks- 3-5-2011

Last 30 Days

Butterly on Education Blog Stats Month - 3-5-2011

All Time

Butterly on Education Blog Stats All Time - 3-5-2011

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