Tuesday, March 01, 2011

New EMSD#63 Teacher/Administrator Payroll Report for 2002-2010 - Updated

The Illinois State Board of Education Teacher/Administrator pay information is now available at ChampionNews.Net.

As per prior years, EMSD#63’s payroll numbers continue to rise.  The report speaks for itself.

Nine-Year Dist#63 Yrs 2002-2010 Report

New Additional Detail Report.

EMSD#63 Detail Pay Report - 2010


Anonymous said...

Like I said in previous comments. The real focus should be the Administrators pay not the teachers. The teachers in District 63 are the lowest paid in any surrounding district, Park Ridge, Mt. Prospect, Glenview, Morton Grove etc.. The Administrators get all of their TRS and Health care (including family) paid for. That comes out to roughly 400,000. That is approx 10 teacher positions saved.

Wake up people, and stop making it out to be the teachers being greedy, etc..

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: March 02, 2011 1:15 PM,

Why? Why should I focus on Administrators over Teachers? Are Administrators not Teachers performing administrative jobs? Do they not receive their pay through the same payroll system? Do they not pay into the same TRS? Will they not receive their retirement checks from same?

As to your allegation of inferior pay, I beg to differ. But even if what you said were true, so what? No one forces any teacher or administrator to work at EMSD#63. Please don’t take this personally, but if you can make more money elsewhere, you have a responsibility to your family to go.

Teachers and administrators are human. All humans are potentially subject to greed. You are asking “people” to ignore the human nature of one side over the human nature of another.

One thing is sure however, the majority of you guys make a pretty good buck for what you do.

The numbers have spoken!

Anonymous said...

AS I read these comments, I tend to agree with the first comment. From what I have read, the teachers pay for TRS not Administrators. If Administrators would and should pay for thier own retirement, that would save the district money and teachers jobs, and more importantly the better education the students in the district would get, becasue less programs would be cut, I assume. However, I am assuming and you know what happens when you assume.

I can see that some teachers make a lot of money, but their job is not as easy as it may seem to outside people that have never been a teacher.

Of course, you are also right Mr. Butterly, if the teachers don't like the pay, then they can go somewhere else. Also if the Administrators don't like having to pay for their own retirement instead of the taxpayer, then they can go somewhere else as well.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: March 09, 2011 2:31 PM,

The result being sought, the effective teaching of skills and successful transference of information to students at each grade level has little or nothing to do with our administrators not paying into their retirement or their receipt of other “perks”. It has however, everything to do with the correct choice and proper application of curriculum, policy and procedure. A subject for another day.

Administrators are teachers who have forsaken their classrooms for non-teaching activities. Yet, they are still “teachers” are they not? That said, I too, on principle, believe Administrators from the Superintendent down, should pay their own TRS, Health Care, etc.

You stated: “I can see that some teachers make a lot of money, but their job is not as easy as it may seem to outside people that have never been a teacher”.

There are many jobs (see Not All Future Jobs Require a College Degree….) more difficult than teaching. Many have crummy hours, are performed under poor working conditions, are physically dangerous, offer little or no job satisfaction, etc.

Teachers work only 8 months. EMSD#63 Teachers work in a clean and healthy environment. Generally, they do not perform “physical labor”, and their jobs offer numerous opportunities to experience job satisfaction.

As to pay, I can’t blame teachers or administrators for taking what is offered. I can however, blame the School Board for offering it.