Monday, March 14, 2011

EMSD#63 Board Approved Kabuki Recommendations - not enough!

Back in February, I asked: Is EMSD#63’s Financial Task Force – Just Kabuki Theater? 

On February 23, 2011, EMSD#63’s Financial Task Force (FTF)  completed its work and presented to the Board, the following 68 recommendations. 

I waited to post this particular blog until the Board issued its budget- reduction proclamation on March 9th.

At first, I was not sure which of the FTF recommendation(s) were actually approved by the Board. 

Dr. Clay then came to the rescue.

Dr. Clay Email To BoE 3-11-2011

Quite frankly, I’d hoped to use EMSD#63’s PDF version of the FTF recommendations directly within this post.  Unfortunately, as you can see, their version did not lend itself to this presentation. 

FTF Recommendations - 02-23-2011

Instead, I decided to reformat the recommendations presented below. 

Each recommendation is displayed in the order of the original document.  I did however, add my own recommendation-number- heading to facilitate easier reference in future posts.

As you read each recommendation, please keep this thought in mind. 

EMSD#63 and FTF members are only attempting to make ends meet on a year-to-year basis, and only for the next few years. Therefore, recommendations, whether rejected and approved, must be interpreted within that context. 

So, as you read these recommendations ask yourself, how does this recommendation move the District toward long-term solvency?

Financial Task Force Recommendations

Recommendation: One

Number: 7
Category: 2011-12
Change bell times

“Shift bell times for three elementaries.”

$ 350,000
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

 Recommendation: Two

Number: 62
Category: 2011-12
Reduce Literacy Specialists

“Reduce 4 literacy specialists. In 2010-2011 the total number of Literacy Specialists was reduced from 12 to 10: 2 each at Nelson, Stevenson, Twain, and Apollo, and 1 each at Melzer and Washington. These are all locally funded. Literacy Specialists provide direct services to students and supervise the teaching assistants that also provide direct services to students for reading interventions. These interventions make up the
largest portion of intervention services within our RTI framework. Complete elimination of Literacy Specialists would significantly impact our ability to provide interventions for students”

$ 200,000
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

 Recommendation: Three  

Number: 14
Category: 2011-12
Reduce Social Workers

“Reduce 3.5 social workers. The State of Illinois Social Work handbook recommends a ratio of 1:500 for school populations described as "Total school population with special education, poverty, and minority concentration." Currently we have 9.5 SW across the district and could reduce to 6 (3000/500=6).”

$ 190,722
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

Recommendation: Four 

Number: 15
Category: 2011-12
Eliminate Gifted Program

“Eliminate in favor of using classroom differentiation for enrichment and extension opportunities for gifted students. Currently the gifted program serves 123 students, 76 at the elementary level and 47 at the junior high level, representing approximately 3.5% of our total school enrollment. The majority of the $184,641budget is salary and benefits, all of which are from local funds.”

$ 184,641
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

 Recommendation: Five 

Number: 19
Category: 2011-12
Reduce Speech Language Pathologists (SLP)

“Reduce 3 speech language pathologists. The state of Illinois has capped caseloads for speech and language therapists at 60 students. The State regulations also require school districts to consider workload for all special education staff which means that, depending on the intensity of the needs of the students, a speech therapist may not be able to manage 60 students. One way to consider staffing needs for speech therapists (and Occupational therapists) would be to calculate each therapist to have on average 50 students. This allows for some flexibility in workload. Currently, the range of caseloads for SLPs in D63 is between 50 and 28. By using the 1:50 ratio, we would need approximately 7 SLPs, reducing this staff from 10 to 7.

The administrative team continues to develop and evaluate options to reduce expenses through use of Title II grant funding. Title II dollars are designated for Teacher Quality. The intent is to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers and insure that teachers are provided with professional growth opportunities. Currently these funds are used to support Institute Days (speakers, materials), SIOP training (books, materials, subs),
teacher training for specific areas of the curriculum (speakers, materials, subs), and the new teacher induction program.”

$ 159,769
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

  Recommendation: Six

Number: 20
Category: 2011-12
Maximize grant dollars - Title II

“Funds could be used to support the salaries for positions that provide professional growth. This would be similar to work currently being done by Instructional Coaches. Two full-time positions (4 people each at .5 FTE) with salaries and benefits could be funded. Funds for this year totaled $197,000. If we are funded at the same level next year, $135,000 could be used staff and the remaining funds used for professional development.

When federal dollars are used to fund positions, 24.64% of the salary must be paid into TRS, rather than the 5.8% paid into TRS for non-grant funded positions.”

$ 135,000
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

  Recommendation: Seven

Number: 22
Category: 2011-12
Reduce OT/PT Costs

“Reduce 1-1.5 FTE. The state does not have any published recommendations for these groups, however, the type of assessments and therapy is similar to that of speech language therapists. Currently we have 2.8 OT and 0.8 PT through MTSEP. Based on caseloads, OT may be able to be reduced to 1-1.5.”

$ 104,000
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

 Recommendation: Eight  

Number: 27
Category: 2011-12
Eliminate Gemini ALE Room

“Gemini administrators would need to continue to be responsible for monitoring and supporting students in inschool suspension, and monitoring the academic progress of students without the help of ALE staff. Teachers would need to monitor their own detentions if they continued to use that system. Students would no longer receive extra academic help at lunch from ALE staff.”

$ 91,350
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

 Recommendation: Nine

Number: 31
Category: 2011-12
Eliminate Tech Facilitator

“The elimination of the District’s instructional tech facilitator will reduce instructional technology professional development for teachers and tech integration into the classroom, but this can be supported through the work of Instructional Coaches.”

$ 50,480
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

Recommendation: Ten  

Number: 39
Category: 2011-12
Reduce Cost of State Pre-K Program

“Keep program costs within grant allocation. This year, the state has granted us 221,639 for the operation of this program. The budgeted amount for this program is 245,367. The state has not promised continued funding for this program.”

$ 23,728
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

 Recommendation: Eleven 

Number: 42
Category: 2011-12
Cut/Reduce Software Cost

“Will happen in any event. The District is removing Office 2007 from student-used computers in libraries, computer labs, and laptop carts and replace it with free Open Office software so that all staff will have Office 2007 on their computers/laptops.”

$ 15,000
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

 Recommendation: Twelve  

Number: 41
Category: 2011-12

Reduce District-Wide Travel & Lodging Cost for Training

“Administrative team to develop specific approach to reduce costs. Estimated at $15,000 in total.”
$ 5,000
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

 Recommendation: Thirteen  

Number: 56
Category: 2011-12
Reduce Cost of Recognition Event
Recognition event to be held at Gemini for FY11.
$ 1,700
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

 Recommendation: Fourteen

Number: 23
Category: 2012-13
Reduce Psychologists

“For the 2012-13 school year due to other cuts in 2011-12. The state has not published any document that recommends staffing ratios for school psychologists, however, based on email requests to other directors, the typical staffing ratio is 1:1200 (total school population). Currently, we have 5 school psychologists.”

$ 103,856
Implemented by Board: (Yes)

Recommendation: Fifteen 

No Number
Category: 2011-12

Savings Due to Retirees in 2010-11, Realized in 2011-12

“Estimated savings. Will happen in any event.”
$ 143,583
Implemented by Board: (No)

 Recommendation: Sixteen  

No Number
Category: 2012-13

Savings Due to Retirees in 2011-12, Realized in 2012-13

“Estimated savings. Will happen in any event.”
$ 660,131
Implemented by Board: (Yes/No)

  Recommendation: Seventeen

No Number
Category: 2013-14

Savings Due to Retirees in 2012-13, Realized in 2013-14

“Estimated savings. Will happen in any event.”
$ 253,802
Implemented by Board: (No)

 Recommendation: Eighteen 

No Number
Category: 2014-15

Savings Due to Retirees in 2013-14, Realized in 2014-15

“Estimated savings. Will happen in any event.”
$ 255,782
Implemented by Board: (No)

  Recommendation: Nineteen

No Number
Category: 2015-16

Savings Due to Retirees in 2014-15, Realized in 2015-16

“Estimated savings. Will happen in any event.”
$ 183,901
Implemented by Board: (No)

 Recommendation: Twenty  

Number: 24
Category: 2011-12

Multi-age Bilingual Classrooms - Eliminate 2 FTE Bilingual Teachers

“Will happen in any event.”
$ 98,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Twenty One

Number: 25
Category: 2011-12
Reduce 2 ESL Resource Teachers
“Reduce as possible based on student load. ESL Resource staff will have a larger case load.”
$ 98,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Twenty Two  

Number: 16
Category: 2011-12
Reduce ESL Teacher Assistant Positions in the Elementary and Junior High Buildings
“Only as possible and not eliminate in its entirety. Total cost $180,300.”
$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Twenty Three  

Number: 61
Category: 2011-12
Reduce Teaching Assistants and 1:1

“Will happen in any event. Several years ago, a formula was established to determine the number of TAs needed based on student needs and caseload numbers. This formula may need to be revisited based on current practice. Case managers and principals have been provided with many articles about the use of paraprofessionals, especially 1:1 assistants. IEP teams have been highly encouraged to significantly reduce the reliance on 1:1 assistants in order to better meet the needs of the students. This reflects a significant change in practice in this district and while this shift is in motion, it is a slow process as IEP meetings take place.”

$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

 Recommendation: Twenty Four  

Number: 57
Category: 2011-12
Reduce Cost of Science Kits

“Administrative team continues to develop and evaluate options to reduce. This year a total of 578 kits will be used at a total cost of approximately $130,000. Savings is difficult to predict, since we would still need to purchase instructional materials for science K-8. Replacing our current system with another system would not necessarily reduce costs in the first year, but could reduce costs over the course of several years.”

$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Twenty Five  

Number: 10
Category: 2011-12

Reduce Special Education Out of District Placements

“Needs of students placed in public school programs have been reviewed and it has been determined that we can return 8 students to programs already within the district without adding significant staff. In addition, 6 PK students will be returning to district programs from D64 placements.”

$ 237,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

 Recommendation: Twenty Six  

Number: 35
Category: 2011-12
Reduce Tech Capital Outlay
“Will happen in any event.”
$ 35,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Twenty Seven  

Number: 58
Category: 2011-12
Maximize grant dollars - Title I

“Administrative team continues to develop and evaluate options to reduce. Title I funds are designated for improving achievement for at-risk students. These funds may only be used at schools identified as Title I through a formula based on numbers of students who are receiving free-and-reduced lunch. These funds can be used to fund salaries, but only for positions that supplement (add to), not supplant (replace) current

$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

 Recommendation: Twenty Eight

Number: 60
Category: 2011-12
Go paperless

“Administrative team continues to develop and evaluate options to reduce. Printers have already been removed from classrooms eliminating printer cartridges. Classrooms with interactive whiteboards for the most part also have document cameras installed that can be used for whole classroom instruction reducing the need for printed copies for each student. Teachers will need to modify instruction to use less paper for worksheets, etc. May require additional investment in technology.”

$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Twenty Nine  

Number: 63
Category: 2011-12

Eliminate/Reduce Forum and/or Annual Report

“Administrative team continues to develop and evaluate options to reduce. One issue of the Forum was eliminated for this year. There remains one issue plus the Annual Report. This is the only communication that goes to all residents of our district. Cost of one issue of Forum is approximately $12,000.”

$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Thirty  

Number: 55
Category: Consider in the Future
“To be considered in the future”
Increase Revenue
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Thirty One

Number: 2
Category: Consider in the Future
Salary Freeze or Reduction

“Not at this time. Could be considered for FY13. Subject to bargaining for most employees. Savings assumes salaries do not change year over year (no step and no lane).”

$ 1,110,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Thirty Two  

Number: 3
Category: Consider in the Future
Eliminate Music and Art
“General music and art. Subject to bargaining to develop a way to provide teachers planning time.”
$ 1,017,910
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Thirty Three 

Number: 5
Category: Consider in the Future
Increase Elementary Class Size Ratio to 28:1
“Not at this time. Could be considered in the future.”
$ 412,472
Implemented by Board: (Yes) – Amended see: Dr. Clay’s Email

Recommendation: Thirty Four  

Number: 8
Category: Consider in the Future
Increase Middle School Class Size Ratio to 30:1
“Not at this time. Could be considered in the future.”
$ 316,014
Implemented by Board: (Yes) – Amended see: Dr. Clay’s Email

Recommendation: Thirty Five  

Number: 11
Category: Consider in the Future
Eliminate Instructional Coaches

“Not at this time given other cuts. After June 30, 2011, Instructional Coaches would minimally go to .5 at each elementary and 1.0 at Gemini for a total of 4 people. This would cost between $275,000 and $300,000 for salaries and benefits. Half of this cost could be paid from Title II funds in 2011-2012. Elimination of all Instructional Coaches would place the additional responsibilities on principals, psychologists, and classroom teachers to support classroom instruction and the RTI initiative.”

$ 275,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Thirty Six  

Number: 12
Category: Consider in the Future

Increase Employee Share of Fringe Benefits costs

“Assumes a $637 additional contribution per employee per year, which reduces the district cost by approximately 10%. Subject to bargaining.”

$ 234,765
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Thirty Seven  

Number: 13
Category: Consider in the Future
Eliminate Instrumental Music
$ 214,054
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Thirty Eight  

Number: 17
Category: Consider in the Future
Eliminate Library Assistants

“Librarians will have to spend a considerable amount of time doing clerical work rather than collaborating with teachers and assisting students in book selection and instructional activities during library period.”

$ 160,751
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Thirty Nine  

Number: 21
Category: Consider in the Future
Furlough Days

“Subject to bargaining for most employees. Requires reducing professional development days or student instruction days. If the furlough is during the summer the savings is significantly reduced as only 12 month employees would be affected ($12,785).”

$ 122,490
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Forty

Number: 26
Category: Consider in the Future
Reduce Custodial Staffing

“An option is to reduce 1 position by cutting the night custodian staffing by .5 at Stevenson and .5 at Apollo.  Another option is 2 positions by also reducing night custodian staffing by .5 at Gemini and .5 at Nelson.”

$ 93,910
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Forty One 

Number: 28
Category: Consider in the Future
Reduce Gemini Assistant Principals

“Not at this time given other cuts. Assistant principals aide the principal in all aspects of instructional leadership including staff supervision and evaluation, student discipline, professional development, communication, etc.”

$ 87,500
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Forty Two  

Number: 30
Category: Consider in the Future
Eliminate Apollo Assistant Principal

“Not at this time given other cuts. Assistant principals aide the principal in all aspects of instructional leadership including staff supervision and evaluation, student discipline, professional development, communication, etc.”

$ 79,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Forty Three  

Number: 32
Category: Consider in the Future
Cut Supply Budgets
“Non grant budgets have already been reduced 10%, and will be held flat for 2011-12.”
$ 48,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Forty Four 

Number: 33
Category: Consider in the Future
Technology Technicians

“The District has 3 field technicians that are assigned on a regular schedule to 7 schools. Reducing one technician would extend downtime of student and staff computers when broken, and lengthen the time to complete updates and rollout new equipment.”

$ 45,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Forty Five  

Number: 34
Category: Consider in the Future

Cut/Reduce Technology Online Resource

“Online resources regularly reviewed for effectiveness. Current annual subscription fees are: unitedstreaming/Discovery, $10,990; Nettrekker, $4800; TechSteps, $7400; TypingPal online, $1400; Moodle, $0; BrainPop, $8000; Elluminate PD, $2200; Soundazbound, $355.”

$ 35,145
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Forty Six 

Number: 36
Category: Consider in the Future
Eliminate ESL Summer School
$ 33,350
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Forty Seven

Number: 37
Category: Consider in the Future
Review Staffing Levels of Building Secretaries

“The staffing levels for this group have never been returned to the 2003 levels. The elementary offices are at a minimum level.”

$ 30,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Forty Eight

Number: 38
Category: Consider in the Future

Reduce Capital Outlay – Computer Replacements

“The district has about 1400 computers. For 2010-11, the tech refresh cycle was extended from 5 years to 6 years for desktops and 3 years to 4 years for laptops; therefore, the district should be replacing approx. 235 computers each year. Basing the cost of an individual computer at approx. $700 per unit and a total of 1400 computers, the District should be replacing approx. 233 computers each year. The FY11 budget for computer
replacement is $136,000 reflecting a purchase of 195 computers rather than 233 with a savings this year of $26,600. Realistically, technology advances so quickly and wear-and-tear takes its toll on the hardware that a further increase in the replacement cycle is ill-advised.”

$ 26,600
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Forty Nine

Number: 40
Category: Consider in the Future
Eliminate BOE Travel & Lodging for Training
$ 15,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Fifty

Number: 43
Category: Consider in the Future
Non-Consumable Tech Supplies

“This year's budget shows a decrease of $11,000 in non-consumable supplies. The items purchased in this account include items such as printers, printer cables, cat5 cables, powerstrips, microphones for student computers, audio and video cables, switches, etc. Since many of these items were purchased new last year, the budget was able to be reduced since most of these items will last about two years before needing to be replaced. Printers and printer cables are no longer being purchased/replaced in classrooms, resulting in savings”

$ 11,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Fifty One

Number: 44
Category: Consider in the Future
Increase Book/Material Fees

“Not unless otherwise warranted. It is an approximate $9000 increase for every 10% increase in fees that currently range from $50-$70 per student.”

$ 9,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Fifty Two

Number: 45
Category: Consider in the Future
Cut Newspaper Subscriptions/Periodicals
$ 2,311
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Fifty Three

Number: 46
Category: Consider in the Future
Increase Music Fees
“Not unless otherwise warranted.”
$ 1,900
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Fifty Four

Number: 47
Category: Consider in the Future
Increase Athletic Fees
“Not unless otherwise warranted.”
$ 655
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Fifty Five

Number: 54
Category: Consider in the Future
Review Staffing Levels for Administration

“District level currently has one per department. In the past 8 years, 4 administrator positions have been eliminated and further reductions are not recommended.”

$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Fifty Six

Number: 1
Category: Not Recommended
Eliminate Busing
“May affect attendance rates. May require additional crossing guards.”
$ 1,435,500
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Fifty Seven

Number: 4
Category: Not Recommended
Charge Everyone for Busing
“Subject to a fee waiver.”
$ 736,300
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Fifty Eight

Number: 6
Category: Not Recommended
Reduce/Eliminate Stipends
“Eliminates bus and lunch supervision (297,656) and athletic stipends (76,900) and would require bargaining to develop a plan to cover the supervision requirements. No direct savings from universal fee stipends as they are fee supported.”
$ 378,077
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Fifty Nine

Number: 9
Category: Not Recommended
4 day Work/School Week
“Savings based on 20% reduction in regular ed transportation costs, some additional custodial and utility savings may be realized.”
$ 290,361
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Sixty

Number: 18
Category: Not Recommended
Reduce One Teaching & Learning Administrator
“This would require the elimination of the Executive Director of Teaching and Learning due to the legal requirement to have both a Special Education Director and an ESL Director. This would essentially be the elimination of the curriculum department (former name). The Executive Director is in charge of several
sizable grants including Title I, Title II, and Reading Improvement grants when available, and also coordinates
all curriculum development, textbook/teaching materials adoption, and professional development.”
$ 159,902
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Sixty One

Number: 29
Category: Not Recommended
Reduce Tech Capital Outlay - Data Services
“Director of IT should minimize capital outlay where possible. These funds are used to purchase servers to support data processing programs and telephones in the district. Servers cost in the neighborhood of $8,000 - $10,000 each (this includes software and labor). the tech dept. monitors/reviews the condition of District servers on a regular basis however, money is in the budget to replace servers as they age (servers last about 5 - 7 years) or replace if repairing is not cost/effective. Capital outlay was also used to update two main data closets that could no longer handle the wiring and servers safely.”
$ 80,000
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Sixty Two

Number: 59
Category: Not Recommended
Corporate Sponsorship of Schools
“Advertising directed to students is controversial. Requires significant staff time and cost to solicit and get agreements.”
$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Sixty Three

Number: 48
Category: Not Recommended
Eliminate Outside Speakers
“The majority of speakers are paid by Title I, Title II, and Title III grants. If grant dollars are used differently, there would be a reduction in the use of outside speakers.”
$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Sixty Four

Number: 49
Category: Not Recommended
Schools Share Principals
“With the high demands on principals to supervise and evaluate staff, provide a safe learning environment for students, communicate with parents, problem solve, lead team meetings, etc, there is not a feasible plan to accomplish this.”
$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Sixty Five

Number: 50
Category: Not Recommended
Merging Schools
“No feasible plan exists to reduce a school at this time.”
$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Sixty Six

Number: 51
Category: Not Recommended
Centralized Ordering of Supplies
“Purchasing is already concentrated by vendor to maximize discounts. Cooperative purchasing options are being evaluated for any additional savings opportunities.”
$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Sixty Seven

Number: 52
Category: Not Recommended
Eliminate cable TV (DuKane)
“Cable TV provided by Comcast is free to each school.”
$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)

Recommendation: Sixty Eight

Number: 53
Category: Not Recommended
Reduce Capital Outlay - Buildings and Grounds
“Capital improvements have been budgeted to only included items that must be completed for safety purposes. Current budget is down 58% over prior year.”
$ 0
Implemented by Board: (No)


Anonymous said...

You sure must have spent a lot of time on this one. The D63 report was very hard to read. The public needs to see these recommendations. I don't understand why so many have a zero dollar value. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

if you read teh explaination it tells you why. Some of them are provided free and some are from illinois grants.

Anonymous said...

2:22 PM,

True but what about the rest?