Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Are smaller classes always the answer?

The English school system, once the envy of the world, is finding it more and more difficult to educate their diverse and growing student population.  Like us and like the rest of western society, teaching establishments have come to believe that smaller classes = better educated students.

Based on research presented on, the average student:teacher ratio in Illinois is 16.5 students per teacher.  The the student:teacher ratio for EMSD#63, as reported at is “14 students for every full-time equivalent teacher….”.

Britain, the country that birthed the commercial jet age just might be onto something here.

70:1 Student-Teacher Ratio - UK Daily Mail on Line

So, it’s back to the future!


Anonymous said...

OK....another question for ya!! Please do not take this as an attack. Essentially, how do they measure "class size"?? I know that may seem like an obvious answer so forgive me if I am missing something but.......if you look at the article it says that average class size in UK is 26.5. If the measure of class size equates students per teacher that would mean that this experiment yeilds a ratio of 1 teacher per 30-35 students - an increase over normal but not a HUGE increase that the 60-70 number would indicate. Beyond that, do they count assistants?? The story talks about 2 assistants and breaking down into groups. So if that was a part of the measurements it would seem that the ratio would be 15-17.5.

Please understand that I can see how a class sitation as the article describes might be a benefit interms of a team environment and compitition etc. However, as I read the article, claiming that this represents a student teacher ration of 60-70 to one is not accurate.

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon:February 17, 2011 3:22 PM

Attack? None taken.

I wish I could answer your questions. The article says what it says and I have not communicated with the Daily Mail's reporter. What I will do, should you really want to know, (email me to let me know) is email John Starling, Headmaster at Bure Valley Junior School, Norfolk. I assume he will respond and then we’ll see what he has to say.

Anonymous said...

Mr. B:

If you would like to send that e-mail that is OK but I will do some research on my own as well. I can ask one of my daughters teachers.

It seems to me there are several points here. One is better educated children and if this supports that goal I am all in!!! Another point often brought up around class size has to do with MONEY. The idea is that larger class size could mean staff reductions. If a class of 60 students requires 4 full time adults I do not see how this model supports that particular goal.