Monday, September 13, 2010

Thank you! - 2,000 Hits!

Dear Reader,

Butterly on Education recently passed the 2,000 hit mark.   Now for big bloggers, that’s nothing.  But for my very limited market and for the short time (since April 2010) since my return, that’s pretty good.  It means that you are interested in what goes on in EMSD#63 and it’s surrounding School Districts. 

Thank you again!  I’ll do the best I can to keep you informed, coming back and commenting.

Best regards,

Kenneth Butterly


Anonymous said...

Surrounding school districts? Maybe I've missed it, but other than the links to district web pages, what postings are about districts other than 63?

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: Sept. 13, 4:10

Thank you for your comment.

Seems to me you may be too focused on EMSD#63 issues yourself.

Rather than listing all the non-EMSD#63 postings here, I invite you to dig through this site. Quite a few neighbor districts have received less than favorable comments from me.

Sorry for any displeasure or discomfort my continued focusing on EMSD#63 may have caused you.

This is my home district so I have a direct stake in its success.

That said, I am truly sorry to say that there will be more EMSD#63 directed postings in the future.

You’ll just have to get used to it!

In the mean time, enjoy the site and come back and comment when you can.

Anonymous said...

butters-worth i would bet 1500 of the hits are from you yourself. your site gets no traffic whatsoever. you are a windbag my friend. Stop harassing a good man doing a good job. You are irrelevant period. You have beat your head against the wall for how many months??? And what changes have you effected at the school???Exactly NONE the same amount that you will change a year from now. Loser

Anonymous said...

Mr. Butterly,

Thank you for what you are trying to do for the rest of us who don't have the time or the know how.

I hope your blog audience keeps growing.


A regular reader