Thursday, June 07, 2007

“She lacks the indefinable charm of weakness.” - Oscar Wilde

Teachers were made aware of their vulnerabilities last night.

Superintendent Williams and East Maine School District #63’s School Board showed their true colors at the June 6, 2007 Regular Board Meeting. This fatuous group gave the audience, absent the local press, a clear glimpse of EMSD63 administration/teacher union cooperation.

There is no love lost here!

Some teachers from Apollo School came to the meeting to publicly read a letter that had already been delivered to the board, regarding a perceived retaliatory transfer of a well-liked and valuable teacher from Apollo School to Nelson School. A teacher read the letter stating the groups disapproval of the transfer decision and indicated that she and other teacher’s had (I’m paraphrasing here), felt a need to voice their dissatisfaction in spite of their fear of possible retaliation. Teachers sitting around me also echoed her view. Superintendent William’s response to the teacher and to the others present in my opinion, was arrogant, swift, cold and calculating. If I might paraphrase: you teachers signed the contract. The contract gives us the authority to do what we did. Shut up and go away! “What a Bitch”, referring to Dr. Williams, was heard as the teachers exited the room.

These are not the first teachers and probably not the last, to feel the sting of Williams' imperial administration.

Not every teacher is unhappy!

Most new teachers will never have to worry, let alone deal with this problem. Why should they? None will buck the system and most are just happy to have a job. And tenure, what’s that? Have you noticed how few young teachers ever see three years of service in EMSD63? Maybe there is truth to the rumor that there is an unwritten policy to limit the number of tenured teachers in the district.

A little contrition please!

Last nights confrontation did not have to happen. There is an obvious disconnect between the administration and the teachers. Dr. Williams and the President of the Board, in my opinion, showed a clear lack of respect by their arbitrary demeanor, not just to those teachers but to the children and taxpayers they serve.

The Superintendent eventually told the teachers that any of them could transfer to another school. It would serve this arrogant and dismissive School Board and Administration right, if all the teachers from Apollo took them up on the offer!

But of course, that is just my opinion!

Your comments please!

Kenneth Butterly

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