Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Read It In The Newspaper – Not!
I understand this concern, and here is my take on it.
Sometimes we find ourselves miffed by what we believe to be our local newspapers lack of curiosity and vigilance when it comes to our pet-peeves or interests; in this case, school governance and management at East Maine School District #63.
Like each of us, newspapers are “free” entities. And just like us, they are making choices based their perception on what is good for them. If a newspaper believes that the pursuit of a story will prove disadvantageous to the paper, it will choose not the pursue it. No local paper wants litigation or the loss of advertisers or readers.
To my knowledge, no law exists requiring a new organization to investigate or publish anything, let alone something you or I might deem worthy of publication.
If you want to know the facts regarding your School Districts activities, then you have to get personally involved. Try going to those monthly school board meeting. Take a friend or even better, a fellow parent. Listen to what the Board and Administration have to say. Ask questions. If you’re not satisfied with their explanations and find yourself still curious, submit Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. And don’t forget to come back and read this Blog from time-to-time.
I will discuss writing FOIA requests in a future post.
Of course, it’s just my opinion.
What do you think?
Kenneth Butterly
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Williams/Kaczkowski E-Mail
During the spring of 2005 I received a copy of a very disturbing e-mail. It was included within a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document retrieval initated by me.
The e-mail was authored by Dr. Kathleen Williams on school time and was sent from the district's East Maine School District #63 Board of Education computers on September 08, 2004 at 9:40 a.m. The e-mail was addressed to specific members of the East Maine School District #63 Board Of Education.
Dr. Williams's intent was to inform her board of an e-mail she had received the night before from then referendum committee chairperson, now EMSD#63 School Board Member, Janet Kaczkowski.
I believe the text of Janet Kaczkowski's e-mail is self explanatory.
In order to enlarge image, place arrow over the image and click mouse key.
Dr. Williams E-Mail to School Board |
What does this say about the leadership in East Maine School District #63? What does this say about Dr. Williams, Katherine Ruh and Stacy Mallek? Were they all cooperating and coordinating with this parent to pass the tax increase referendum? What does it say about School Board member Janet Kaczkowski?
Your opinion please!
Kenneth Butterly