Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Let’s play a game – Part One

Do you like games?  How about match games or question and answer games? 

Well I like games.  Match games and question and answer games are two of my favorites.

I’ve developed a little Match and Q&A game for us to play together .  It’s called Who’s Responsible?

Here’s how the game works.  Over the next few months I’ll present information I have uncovered under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or email conversations.  I will then ask, Who’s Responsible?  For each correct answer you receive one point.  At the end of the game, sometime early next year, you’ll be the winner.

Part One contains four warm-up questions and five Who’s Responsible questions.

So, get out a sheet of paper and a pencil or pen.  After you’ve answered all the questions proceed to the Answers Table.

Let’s begin!

Question #1: What organization do the people in these pictures belong to? 







Board Member # 1





Board Member # 2





Board Member # 3





Board Member # 4





Board Member # 5





Board Member # 6





Board Member # 7

I know, that was a trick question.  Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.

Question #2: In picture number order, match the Board Member Name to the picture number.

Example: #1 = Joe Smith, #2 = Jane Doe, etc.
Names: Jane Wojtkiewicz, John Jekot, Walter Gluzkin, Janet Kaczkowski, Steven Levy, Tom Simmons, Sheila Urban.

More Questions

Question #3: Who is the President of the Board?
Question #4: Who are EMSD#63’s longest serving Board Members?
Question #5: Which are the Board Member(s) who unquestioningly passed the 2010-2011 Budget?
Question #6: Who are the Board Members who approved the 5 year Williams Contract?
Question #7: Who are the Board Members who approved the non-transparent, 1 year, no-bid, no-written-contract, $108,000 Kathleen Williams employee/consulting/mentoring agreement?
Question #8: Who are the Board Member(s) who do business with the District?
Question #9: Who is the Board Member who received taxpayer funded pre-meeting dinners with Superintendent?

No cheating!

Answers Table

Answer #1: EMSD#63 School Board
Answer #2: #1, Walter Gluzkin; #2, Sheila Urban; #3, Steven Levy; #4, Jane Wojtkiewicz; #5, Tom Simmons; #6, John Jekot; #7, Kanet Kaczkowski
Answer #3: #4, Jane Wojtkiewicz
Answer #4: #3, Steven Levy (13 Years); #4, Jane Wojtkiewicz (13 Years); #6, John Jekot (11 Years)
Answer #5: #1, Walter Gluzkin; #2, Sheila Urban; #3, Steven Levy; #4, Jane Wojtkiewicz; #5, Tom Simmons; #6, John Jekot; #7, Kanet Kaczkowski
Answer #6: #3, Steven Levy; #4, Jane Wojtkiewicz; #6, John Jekot
Answer #7: #1, Walter Gluzkin; #2, Sheila Urban; #3, Steven Levy; #4, Jane Wojtkiewicz; #5, Tom Simmons; #6, John Jekot; #7, Kanet Kaczkowski
Answer #8: #1, Walter Gluzkin (WW Grainger); #5, Tom Simmons (A&B Bus); #6, John Jekot (Awards International)
Answer #9: #4, Jane Wojtkiewicz

So, how did you do?  

The first question was a gimme.  The next three were warm-up questions designed to let you know who the characters are.  The last five questions preview some of the subjects to be discussed in detail over the next few months.

In the mean time, the next time you see one of your representative on the street, at church, or at the mall or wherever it seems appropriate, ask him/her about these subjects.  Ask about the contracts and the dinners on your tax dollar.  Don’t try to ask them at a Board Meeting, the Board doesn’t have to answer you.  Based on their rules, the Board doesn’t even have to listen to you.  In the mean time, let’s see what we can do about finding replacements. 

So let me help them along. 


Looking for a few good EMSD#63 citizens to run for the School Board. 

No experience required, although some common sense, curiosity, integrity and leadership would be an improvement.

Membership on this Board could be the most important thing you can do to guarantee a good education for your child.

Email me at this site for assistance!

I have no further comment on this subject at this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that's cool!

Didn't know you could be on the board and do business with the district. Is that legal?