Saturday, May 15, 2010

Highland Park SD113’s Jimmy Carter Moment…

In 1979 Russia invaded Afghanistan.  In a response designed to show America’s displeasure, then President Jimmy Carter, chose not to allow our athletes to participate in the 1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow, depriving many of these competitors, their one time, hard won, opportunity to compete in the “Games.”.   To be fair, 64 other countries also boycotted the Moscow Olympics. 

The boycott was a political act. 

Highland Park’s School Board decision to deprive the girls basketball team of their opportunity to compete in Arizona, was also a political act, and a stupid one at that.  If the decision had been about safety, as District officials alleged, the District would have pulled out of the tournament prior to the states passage of Arizona’s new immigration law

The citizens of Arizona will willingly tell you about their “safety problem.”  That’s why they created the law!

I recognize that school districts are political animals.  They get their operating monies from the taxpayers, and Board Members are voted into or out of office. 

Let School District 113’s experience be a lesson to other School Boards.  The children you claim to “do it for” are not pawns to be used to serve your political agenda’s.

I really did try to find a Non-Fox-News Youtube video.

One would think that this School Board and Board of Education would have enough on their plate in trying to improve their district’s academic achievements scores and bringing their teacher and administrator payroll costs under control. 

How to read the report.

Nine Year Dist #113 Yrs 2001-2009 Report

In order to read the full report, click on Fullscreen view. Move your mouse over, and to the sides of the document. A cursor hand will appear. Click your mouse and you will be able to page through the report.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Arizona has the right to enforce the laws of the land if the federal government won’t crack down on ILLIGAL immigration. Highland Parks decision to make a political statement that gives the message to the students it is fine to break the law if you don’t like it is WRONG.

Anonymous said...

Have the papers seen this? Another school board out of control. They should pay attention to their district and keep their nose out of Arizona politics.

Anonymous said...

the test scores arn't all that bad. They could be improved. the law is not so easy to read but i'm not a lawyer.

mr. butterly, are you a lawyer?