Friday, June 29, 2007

Contract - Superintendent Dr. Kathleen Wiliams - 2004-2009

This 5-year contract was signed 6 months before passage of EMSD63's 22% Tax Increase Referendum.

Your commemts please!

Kenneth J. Butterly

In order to enlarge image, place arrow over the image and click mouse key.

Superintendant Williams Contract 2004 - 2009


Anonymous said...

Where was this information before the election? If you could find all of this out, why weren't the local newspapers able to do the same thing?

As I read the pay increases over 5 years, the Superintendent, will see an increase in base pay of over 30%.

I will be lucky to get a 3% increase this year, and I actually accomplish something!

Anonymous said...

It took me a while to read through the contract. This is one piece of work! Our Superintendent is one hell of a negotiator or this board is made up of wimps. Can’t wait to hear what the teachers think after reading this!

I took out my little calculator and estimated that the superintendent’s going to receive in base salary and converted fringe-to-dollars options, somewhere between $225,000 and $250,000 a year.

That’s not chump change!

Two sections of the compensation package got my attention.

First, Paragraph 16. Transportation Expense, includes a $600 a month payment for an automobile and ancillary expenses. One can only imagine what she’s driving.

Second, Paragraph 21 Business Expenses, includes mileage expenses for travel outside of Cook County.

Using the 2007 IRS standard mileage rates of $.48 per mile for a car, that would mean that the School Board assumes the Superintendent will drive 1,250 miles per month “within the district.” Based on an average 22 working day month, an unrealistic assumption given the number of guaranteed days off within a given year, as well as the 30 day vacation specified within the contract, that would mean that the Superintendent would have to drive an average of 57 miles a day within the district. District 63 is not that big. She would have to be on the road a good part of the day to travel that many miles. Surely, she cannot be driving that much. If she is, she or the School Board needs to go!

I think that district would have been better off purchasing or leasing a car for her to use while performing her duties.

My taxes went up big-time two years ago. This kind of arrogant behavior is unacceptable. The date of the contract precedes the referendum by several months. What chutzpah!

These jerks better not come back for any extra money in the future!