Tuesday, March 29, 2011

EMSD#63 15% pay reduction can save BIG BUCKS!

The base data being used is the 2009-2010 teacher/administrator payment distributed by the Illinois Board of Education (ILBoE).  Current “official” pay data is not available for public review at this time.  We know that this years payment figures will be large than that now presented based on current contracts, making the reduction payment amounts even larger.

 Payroll Reduction Table – 15% Reduction

Name 2010 Adjusted Difference
Achille Phyllis 74,813 63,591 11,222
Allen Kathryn 45,426 38,612 6,814
Andel Lori 11,739 9,978 1,761
Anderson Katharine 41,221 35,038 6,183
Ansay Allen 42,236 35,901 6,335
Arends Matthew 36,610 31,119 5,492
Armbruster Christopher 38,653 32,855 5,798
Arvanitis Sophia 73,109 62,143 10,966
Atanus Martha 41,105 34,939 6,166
Atci Fadra 43,899 37,314 6,585
Baird Ellen 81,557 69,323 12,234
Ballas George 99,056 84,198 14,858
Balsley Kathryn 38,653 32,855 5,798
Ban Susan 72,149 61,327 10,822
Barone Harriet 81,281 69,089 12,192
Beaudette Lynn 74,360 63,206 11,154
Beck Paula 50,776 43,160 7,616
Bein David 122,109 103,793 18,316
Beresheim Ellen 41,537 35,306 6,231
Bernstein Elana 47,625 40,481 7,144
Bloom Harold 74,083 62,971 11,112
Bogie Jr. Jon 79,000 67,150 11,850
Bonder Shawn 38,653 32,855 5,798
Bongiorno Ann 52,300 44,455 7,845
Boudreau Shannon 63,395 53,886 9,509
Bozovich Lisa 67,153 57,080 10,073
Brahmer Kristine 92,092 78,278 13,814
Branda Helen 93,914 79,827 14,087
Brandl Jo 66,468 56,498 9,970
Brandt Ashley 41,105 34,939 6,166
Brandwein Amelia 52,395 44,536 7,859
Briggs Bonnie 46,876 39,845 7,031
Brito-Santiago Susan 26,150 22,228 3,923
Brumley Joseph 54,031 45,926 8,105
Bryant Joy 80,727 68,618 12,109
Bublitz Gregory 51,995 44,196 7,799
Budzik Brian 62,687 53,284 9,403
Burkman Pamela 54,508 46,332 8,176
Campagna Margherita 52,300 44,455 7,845
Carter Maria 0 0 0
Cassidy Heather 40,005 34,004 6,001
Centanni Erin 69,010 58,659 10,352
Cerza Susan 41,105 34,939 6,166
Chamlin Jane 60,208 51,177 9,031
Chazin Helene 94,563 80,379 14,184
Clark Matthew 43,899 37,314 6,585
Clay Scott 170,000 144,500 25,500
Clendenning Heather 54,947 46,705 8,242
Cobb Charlene 125,000 106,250 18,750
Copeland Litsa 56,527 48,048 8,479
Corr Kimberly 40,020 34,017 6,003
Corrigan Mary 85,949 73,057 12,892
Cotromanes Christine 49,297 41,902 7,395
Courtney Shawn 66,887 56,854 10,033
Crain Veronica 74,813 63,591 11,222
Crock Corinne 74,813 63,591 11,222
Czarnecki Wendy 72,284 61,441 10,843
Dahl Ruth 75,313 64,016 11,297
Dahlquist Lisa 39,809 33,838 5,971
Dante Joanne 92,414 78,552 13,862
Daskalopoulos Christina 86,669 73,669 13,000
Dekorsi Sabina 65,488 55,665 9,823
Dell’Aringa Gina 58,633 49,838 8,795
Des Jardins Jennifer 64,881 55,149 9,732
Dettloff Dawn 63,395 53,886 9,509
Douglass Christine 51,014 43,362 7,652
Dubinsky Ruth 65,502 55,677 9,825
Edelheit Lynn 67,653 57,505 10,148
Edwards Amy 24,648 20,951 3,697
Egan Laura 49,297 41,902 7,395
Ekstrom Nancy 58,633 49,838 8,795
Erickson Linnea 38,653 32,855 5,798
Esposito Lynn 80,577 68,490 12,087
Evans Lisa 67,246 57,159 10,087
Eydis Ellian 52,395 44,536 7,859
Farmer Ella 58,289 49,546 8,743
Federighi Mark 39,809 33,838 5,971
Feldman Marlene 49,729 42,270 7,459
Felski Karen 58,391 49,632 8,759
Fischer Jennifer 50,776 43,160 7,616
Fisher Hillary 40,025 34,021 6,004
Fishman Janice 58,391 49,632 8,759
Foley Karen 68,600 58,310 10,290
Fradin Hanna 66,366 56,411 9,955
Fragassi Tracy 48,118 40,900 7,218
Franchi Dana 51,895 44,111 7,784
Fratamico Patricia 60,319 51,271 9,048
Freibaum Joanna 43,899 37,314 6,585
Frey Tara 46,571 39,585 6,986
Friedman Laurie 33,156 28,183 4,973
Garbossa Cathy 42,817 36,394 6,423
Garcia Rosaelia 49,297 41,902 7,395
Gatzionis Eleftheria 54,947 46,705 8,242
Gdowski Alison 45,216 38,434 6,782
Gebhardt Kristina 40,020 34,017 6,003
Geeve David 54,947 46,705 8,242
Gibson William 131,532 111,802 19,730
Glickman Lynn 115,000 97,750 17,250
Goerner Nicole 68,690 58,387 10,304
Gold Patricia 50,776 43,160 7,616
Goldberg Jillian 49,297 41,902 7,395
Golec-DeAngelo Jennifer 38,745 32,933 5,812
Gonzalez Martina 61,764 52,499 9,265
Good Allison 64,881 55,149 9,732
Gordon Michael 64,247 54,610 9,637
Graber Gretchen 45,216 38,434 6,782
Green Marla 91,284 77,591 13,693
Gresham Teresa 38,653 32,855 5,798
Grodin Rosanne 52,395 44,536 7,859
Groner Wendy 65,877 55,995 9,882
Gross Nichole 79,182 67,305 11,877
Guzzarde Danielle 76,363 64,909 11,454
Hall Leslie 75,000 63,750 11,250
Hamlin Sharon 64,488 54,815 9,673
Hanson Nadine 48,118 40,900 7,218
Harford Eileen 66,746 56,734 10,012
Harmon Christopher 45,216 38,434 6,782
Harvey Elizabeth 56,527 48,048 8,479
Heath Kimberly 62,308 52,962 9,346
Herrmann Scott 136,542 116,061 20,481
Hillman Jennifer 44,583 37,896 6,687
Hillman Karen 91,614 77,872 13,742
Hirsch Christinia 52,459 44,590 7,869
Hirsch Susan 50,776 43,160 7,616
Hoffmann Mary Sue 60,319 51,271 9,048
Holm Jessica 38,653 32,855 5,798
Horwitz Alyssa 51,925 44,136 7,789
Huttner Bryan 43,999 37,399 6,600
Indovina Lauren 37,618 31,975 5,643
Jackson Marlene 100,486 85,413 15,073
Jacobson Anne 74,360 63,206 11,154
Janke Karen 60,319 51,271 9,048
Janus Matthew 46,876 39,845 7,031
Jayko Marilyn 57,068 48,508 8,560
Jelonek Stacy 38,745 32,933 5,812
Johnson Phyllis 82,874 70,443 12,431
Kadzie Lynn 51,895 44,111 7,784
Kaplan Bari 64,623 54,930 9,693
Karp Deborah 62,195 52,866 9,329
Katin Jennifer 64,623 54,930 9,693
Katzman Janet 100,711 85,604 15,107
Kaup Kimberly 69,502 59,077 10,425
Kavina Binaifer 56,527 48,048 8,479
Kent Lisa 56,759 48,245 8,514
Kleisch Linda 60,955 51,812 9,143
Koegel Susan 67,780 57,613 10,167
Kokos Cari 56,759 48,245 8,514
Kosiba Carolyn 62,687 53,284 9,403
Koupas Georgia 62,687 53,284 9,403
Kraus Anne 90,284 76,741 13,543
Kravis-Plusker Donna 46,571 39,585 6,986
Krema Alison 46,571 39,585 6,986
Kriesman Elissa 85,449 72,632 12,817
Kueffner Carolyn 92,176 78,350 13,826
Kueffner Jami 46,571 39,585 6,986
Kukielka Eva 41,221 35,038 6,183
Lange Robert 71,500 60,775 10,725
Lapping Leslye 87,550 74,418 13,133
Larsen Nicholas 43,899 37,314 6,585
Las Jennifer 27,855 23,677 4,178
Lavidas Alexia 50,929 43,290 7,639
Leahy Moira 41,221 35,038 6,183
Lee Helen 93,414 79,402 14,012
Levin Janice 65,502 55,677 9,825
Levin Rachel 95,626 81,282 14,344
Levy Katie 38,307 32,561 5,746
Liese Hilary 61,764 52,499 9,265
Lindoerfer Patricia 104,181 88,554 15,627
Liner Noreen 45,216 38,434 6,782
Louis Sarah 42,817 36,394 6,423
Maieritsch Ann 79,205 67,324 11,881
Mann John 41,105 34,939 6,166
Maris Anne 41,537 35,306 6,231
Markos Nancy 91,053 77,395 13,658
Martin Debra 41,221 35,038 6,183
Martin Kathy 42,236 35,901 6,335
Martinez Jesus 61,764 52,499 9,265
Masur Judith 0 0 0
Maxwell Bridget 49,297 41,902 7,395
Mc Nulty Paul 42,834 36,409 6,425
McLaughlin John 68,690 58,387 10,304
Meade Avis 76,778 65,261 11,517
Meduna Mary 108,000 91,800 16,200
Melfi Margaret 72,784 61,866 10,918
Merkel Brenda 69,582 59,145 10,437
Metcalf Adrienne 89,627 76,183 13,444
Michalesko Barbara 42,718 36,310 6,408
Mihelbergel Adam 43,899 37,314 6,585
Miller Rachel 50,776 43,160 7,616
Mishkin Andrea 37,618 31,975 5,643
Mishkin Hillary 37,618 31,975 5,643
Mishkin Larry 111,828 95,054 16,774
Mitchell Patricia 76,313 64,866 11,447
Molnar Nicole 50,776 43,160 7,616
Morris Karen 90,033 76,528 13,505
Morse Sandra 24,648 20,951 3,697
Moss Joy 93,414 79,402 14,012
Moyer Christine 68,690 58,387 10,304
Mucha Brian 36,610 31,119 5,492
Naumowicz Lori 58,391 49,632 8,759
Nawrot Brittney 37,618 31,975 5,643
Nedwick Sarah 45,216 38,434 6,782
Nelson Brooks 104,203 88,573 15,630
Nemshick Amanda 40,005 34,004 6,001
Newton Kathryn 43,899 37,314 6,585
Nickell Craig 58,633 49,838 8,795
Nielsen Kirstin 61,377 52,170 9,207
Nizamuddin Noor 56,759 48,245 8,514
Norquist Thomas 98,111 83,394 14,717
Nowicki Michelle 55,863 47,484 8,379
O’Connell Helen 91,639 77,893 13,746
O’Shea Maureen 66,887 56,854 10,033
Olson Amanda 36,610 31,119 5,492
Olson Robin 42,870 36,440 6,431
Oros Emanuela 43,478 36,956 6,522
Owen Katie 37,618 31,975 5,643
Pacheco Jennifer 41,221 35,038 6,183
Paloma Maria 39,068 33,208 5,860
Papahronis Michael 45,216 38,434 6,782
Parraga Karen 42,236 35,901 6,335
Paul Scott 89,093 75,729 13,364
Pauls Elizabeth 38,274 32,533 5,741
Pedrigi Gina 56,759 48,245 8,514
Perelgut Erica 46,571 39,585 6,986
Perelgut Eva 52,395 44,536 7,859
Peters Karen 64,488 54,815 9,673
Peterson Jonathan 40,005 34,004 6,001
Phillips Melissa 49,297 41,902 7,395
Piotrowski Bonnie 76,659 65,160 11,499
Plos Brandon 62,687 53,284 9,403
Polonsky Aaron 38,653 32,855 5,798
Pope Crystal 46,885 39,852 7,033
Prokopios Joanne 45,216 38,434 6,782
Prunotto Donna 54,220 46,087 8,133
Punches Sharon 74,860 63,631 11,229
Puzen Linda 72,840 61,914 10,926
Pyzik Russell 43,692 37,138 6,554
Rabe Alexis 43,899 37,314 6,585
Rabin Barbara 45,216 38,434 6,782
Raczkowski Michele 46,571 39,585 6,986
Radman Kristen 38,181 32,454 5,727
Radtke Dominique 38,653 32,855 5,798
Ray Rosemary 49,297 41,902 7,395
Reed Susan 100,486 85,413 15,073
Reiff Cathleen 48,201 40,971 7,230
Rodriguez Amanda 43,994 37,395 6,599
Rosado Debra 36,610 31,119 5,492
Rosen Roselyn 60,955 51,812 9,143
Ruck Kathy 81,281 69,089 12,192
Rundell Joan 54,947 46,705 8,242
Rzepka Teresa 71,596 60,857 10,739
Sagat Melissa 36,610 31,119 5,492
Sakoda Amy 96,770 82,255 14,516
Salazar Chitra 37,618 31,975 5,643
Sanchez Claudia 61,667 52,417 9,250
Sandine Nicole 46,571 39,585 6,986
Sarandos Pamela 71,649 60,902 10,747
Sardone Rosa 42,783 36,366 6,417
Satkiewicz Judith 111,941 95,150 16,791
Schaff Lisa 40,005 34,004 6,001
Schiller Patricia 65,381 55,574 9,807
Schlebecker Jennifer 72,784 61,866 10,918
Schnall Jamie 50,776 43,160 7,616
Schramm Jennifer 52,488 44,615 7,873
Schub Karla 75,313 64,016 11,297
Schultz Pimchan 49,297 41,902 7,395
Schwartz Cassandra 49,297 41,902 7,395
Schwartz Sarah 48,775 41,459 7,316
Sehner Patricia 73,583 62,546 11,037
Sellas Maria 37,618 31,975 5,643
Senatore Nancy 56,527 48,048 8,479
Shah Hetal 41,105 34,939 6,166
Shultz Teresa 50,776 43,160 7,616
Sjoholm Mary 64,623 54,930 9,693
Slivka Rosemary 53,343 45,342 8,001
Sloan Judith 69,190 58,812 10,379
Smigaj Stacey 50,776 43,160 7,616
Smith Nancy 69,082 58,720 10,362
Smolen Courtney 50,929 43,290 7,639
Sompolski Josephine 85,449 72,632 12,817
Sromek Shannon 36,610 31,119 5,492
Stafford Debra 66,002 56,102 9,900
Staniszewski Colleen 17,410 14,799 2,612
Stec Margaret 42,236 35,901 6,335
Steffen Ruth 41,105 34,939 6,166
Stein Gayle 91,895 78,111 13,784
Stern Carolyn 48,775 41,459 7,316
Stone Loreen 69,082 58,720 10,362
Sullivan Naomi 50,113 42,596 7,517
Sussman Howard 102,083 86,771 15,312
Swidzinski Maria 56,527 48,048 8,479
Tatera Nancy 81,428 69,214 12,214
Teeter Kim 60,567 51,482 9,085
Terrazas Eva 50,776 43,160 7,616
Tesla Biljana 37,618 31,975 5,643
THOMAS Shana 62,687 53,284 9,403
Tjarks Tonya 49,297 41,902 7,395
Turnbow John 54,947 46,705 8,242
Turnbow Laura 64,881 55,149 9,732
Ulery Kristen 68,353 58,100 10,253
Valderrama Michelle 42,783 36,366 6,417
Valentine Mary 79,705 67,749 11,956
Van Ness Mary 90,784 77,166 13,618
Vance Elizabeth 37,618 31,975 5,643
Vance Mike 46,571 39,585 6,986
Vancil Kara 49,297 41,902 7,395
Vargas Iliana 36,610 31,119 5,492
Varner Kathryn 40,005 34,004 6,001
Vicari Dana 45,216 38,434 6,782
Warchol Thomas 56,009 47,608 8,401
Watts Harrell 41,221 35,038 6,183
Webber Robert 75,813 64,441 11,372
Weber Carrie 29,248 24,861 4,387
Welter David 69,582 59,145 10,437
Wheatley Sheila 40,005 34,004 6,001
Wiggins Sydney 46,571 39,585 6,986
Wirtz Jennifer 43,899 37,314 6,585
Wirtz Peter 58,633 49,838 8,795
Wirtz Robert 56,759 48,245 8,514
Wooster Alexis 41,105 34,939 6,166
Yablong Andrea 46,571 39,585 6,986
Younan Jennifer 54,138 46,017 8,121
Zlogar Katherine 71,095 60,431 10,664
Zobel Kimberly 36,610 31,119 5,492
  =========== =========== ===========
  19,129,738 16,260,277 2,869,461

EMSD#63’s Board needs to stop being a rubber-stamp and to start doing its job! 

Only real budget reduction measures will solve EMSD#63’s self-created financial problem!


Anonymous said...

Mr. B:

Your numbers say that the average educator on your list (325 of them) from Dr. Clay on down makes 58,860 and you want them to drop to just over 50K.

Wow you are right!!! 58K is outrageous!!! How dare these teachers do this??? They are clearly the problem that has dragged this country in to such economic difficulities!!!!!

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: March 29, 2011 12:25 PM,

I expect everyone on that list to see themselves as team players and “take one” for the long-term financial health of the team. I expect and want everyone on that list to keep THEIR job. I expect them to perform in this way until times get better, when we can once again afford to show our gratitude for their service. If they don’t, the districts long-term financial problems will persist, classes will get bigger and teacher jobs will be lost.

What is better; loosing some money or loosing a job?

Only they can make that decision!

Anonymous said...

Mr. B:

I understand your position and, like so many others, you always have to throw in the "team player" speech. I realize you only like to talk about education issues (unless expanding it suits your point, see above posts) but I would love to hear your definition of team player. Some on the "team" (me included) get to keep their loopholes and pay less as a percentage of their income than the teachers do, and yet it is the teachers who you want to give up 15% to be team players?!?!?! Entire businesses (illinois businesses) pay little of no taxes and yet a 58K a year teacher has to take 15%?? These are difficult decisions they will have to make but please spare me the team player speech - it is a joke.

Anonymous said...

By the way....one more thing. You have new first and second year teachers on that list. These are people who, in all likelyhood, decided to by pass more lucrative paths in the private sector. This is how you motivate teachers??? Thanks for decided to be a teacher now rather thean 37K we will pay you 31K. Meanwhile go ahead and write off the lake house!!!!! My god!!!!!

Kenneth Butterly said...

Anon: March 29, 2011 3:10 PM and 3:26 PM,

I decided to publish these comments for all to see.

There is nothing else for me to say!