Sunday, July 18, 2010

EMSD#63 Board member Levy says recent FOIA requests cost district two teachers!

For the last few months I have been fortunate to receive videos taken at EMSD#63’s General  Board Meetings.  These allow me an opportunity to “virtually attend” Board meetings without having to waste three valuable hours of my life.

The Board had just finished listening to Business Manager David Bein’s expertly delivered budget presentation when Mr. Levy asked about the creation of two new budget line item numbers covering the administrative and legal cost of FOIA requests to the district. 

Near the end of his comments, Mr. Levy stated that these recent costs could have paid for two additional teachers.  Of course, this statement must be true because neither Board President Jane Wojtkiewicz, Superintendent Scott Clay or Business Manager Bein chose to challenge Mr. Levy’s assertion.

Assuming Mr. Levy’s comment to be accurate, maybe he would like to tell us all about the recent FOIA request that generated the District’s Scariano, Himes and Petrarca legal bill; the one he was referring to.


Anonymous said...

Levy's a fool! I don't go to those meeting any more. The board asks stupid questions when they ask anything at all. They never discuss anything in public. Wonder who's pulling the strings on him now that williams is gone. The boards a joke!

Kenneth Butterly said...

Mr. Levy has been an EMSD#63 Board Member for a very long time. As to him being a "fool" I must leave that subjective appraisal to others. This Board, in my opinion, is not noted for wasting board meeting time by asking serious or insightful questions, let alone, debating their ideas in public. I remember doing a study in 2007. I reviewed all of the Board Minutes from 2001 through 2007. I found EMSD#63 Board members, including three current long time members, seldom if ever commented about anything at these public meetings. I don't have the report any more but it can be recreated by requesting copies of EMSD#63 Board Meeting Minutes from August 2000 through July 2010 under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), then searching for comments. As to having their strings pulled, I'm not so sure. My take is that it was more like their strings were cut. I don't consider the Board to be a "joke." However, I do consider them based on their past actions or inactions, worthless and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is true that the Apollo staff took a no confidence vote regarding Ms. Glickman. Dr. Williams talked the staff out of releasing the results, because she had applied for the curriculum director job. After she got turned down for that job they finally got her out by giving her Dr clay's old job.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised that Ms. Glickman moved into the "Ivory Tower"? She was destined to greater positions once she sold her soul to Dr. Williams, Jane and Levy. She sold out the the children and her staff.

Anonymous said...

Levy... Always asking the set-up questions. Why can't you ask intelligent questions that have meaning or legitimate purpose? Your only objective in speaking at a board meeting is to discredit those whom question you and your cohort’s inability to serve as responsible representative for the taxpayers and of course the most important people in a school district, the Children! But of course you would not recognize them as being important… the children are non-existent in your mind mind. Do us all a favor Levy, QUIT.

Anonymous said...

Glickman "sold out" her staff? No...although she is possibly the biggest brown nose ever, we WANTED her out of Apollo. Now she can be incompetent away from our kids.

Anonymous said...

Anon: July 31, 2010 2:41 PM

When you say "we WANTED her out of Apollo", why? My child did not go to Apollo. He went to Stevenson when Clay was there. We were not happy with Clay.

Anonymous said...


Your point about Board Member Levy is correct. Most members of this Board say very little because they have very little of substance to say. The last members who asked questions of substance were Langlo, Plummer and Marzullo. No, Levy, Kaczkowski, Jekot and Wojtkiewicz continue to be mouth pieces first for Williams and now for Williams/Clay. There’s an election coming up.